The OSU Transportation Committee assists the Vice President of Finance and Administration by recommending policies, procedures and infrastructure improvements that guide all modes of transportation on the OSU Corvallis campus. The Transportation Committee also serves as a communication link between the users and providers of transportation programs.
Meeting Schedule
The OSU Transportation Committee will no longer be meeting on a set schedule, and will meet on an ad hoc basis to support specific transportation related projects.
Attending a Committee Meeting
Anyone can attend Transportation Committee meetings which are held in a Zoom webinar format. A link to register will be provided on this page when a committee meeting is scheduled. Attendees can share comments or questions for the committee through the Q&A feature of the Zoom webinar.
Meeting Notes and Agendas
Past meeting notes and agendas are available to view or download. To request an alternative format, please contact Transportation Services.
To assist the Vice President of Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the formulation of policies and procedures that guide all modes of transportation and parking programs and facilities on the OSU Corvallis campus; and to provide a communication link between the users and providers of transportation programs.
- Solicit and evaluate feedback on transportation and parking programs from campus stakeholder and constituent groups.
- Promote the increased use of all available transportation modes and reduce single occupancy vehicle trips.
- Provide input on proposed regulations, policies, and procedures governing transportation activities.
- Consistent with adopted campus plans, review and comment on the design for select campus projects that pertain to transportation infrastructure such as multimodal paths, bus stops, walkways, parking, streets, and bicycle infrastructure.
- Review and comment on short and long-range plans related to campus transportation programs and systems.
- Review the effectiveness of on and off-campus transit services and comment on proposed changes to transit service.
- Promote safe and lawful travel behavior within the dense campus environment.
- Review fee structures, including parking permit and citation fees, with an objective for fees to discourage single occupancy vehicle trips, maintain fairness to customers, and provide the ability to achieve full cost recovery for operations, capital investment, and maintenance.
- 2 Faculty Representatives
- 3 Student Representatives, including one graduate student
- 1 SafeRide Student Leader
- 1 Classified Staff Representative
- 1 Visitor Representative - staff from the Alumni Center, Conference Services, or Admissions
- 1 Facilities Services Representative
- 1 Sustainability Office Representative
- 1 Accessibility Representative
- 1 Public Safety Representative
- 1 University Housing and Dining Services or Athletics Representative (large auxiliary unit)
- 3 Ex Officio, Non-Voting:
- Transportation Services Representative
- Capital Planning and Development Representative
- Local or Regional Government Transportation Representative
Selection procedures
Appointments are made by the Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO following committee nomination. Alternates for a specific committee member may be designated and shall be nominated and appointed in the same manner as regular members. The ASOSU Executive Director of Committees shall be notified of openings for student positions on the committee. The Coalition of Graduate Employees shall be notified of openings for graduate student positions. Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall be notified of openings for faculty positions.
Term of service
Three fiscal years. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO.
Committee Recommendations
Official committee recommendations shall be made by consensus, unless not reached within a reasonable time when they shall be made by vote of a simple majority of voting members. Ex-officio members shall be non-voting.
Committee Chair
- The Committee Chair shall be a full-time OSU employee elected by the committee. Terms shall be concurrent with their membership appointment term.
- Only a current, voting member having served a minimum of one academic year is eligible to be nominated and elected to the position of Chair.
- In the event of the resignation of the Chair, the committee may nominate and elect a replacement from its current voting members. In the event that no such nominations arise, the Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO may appoint a replacement.
- In the absence of the Chair, the attending voting members will select a voting member to act as chair for that meeting.
- Meetings convened as agenda requires, usually every other month.
- The Chair or their designee shall compile, confirm (subject to approval by the Committee),and record the committee meetingnotes.The meeting notes will be made available to the public no later than three weeks following their approval by the committee.
- At the beginning of each meeting, the Chair shall allot a period of time for comments from the public and ex-officio members.
- A quorum for the purpose of meeting and establishing committee recommendations requires a simple majority of the voting committee members. This can be achieved by voting members’ submitting written comments on agenda item(s) prior to the meeting if unable to attend in person.
- Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by any two Committee members by giving notice to the full Committee membership at least two business days prior to the meeting.
- Ad-hoc sub-committees may be formed as needed by the Transportation Committee.
- All ad-hoc sub-committee work and recommendations shall be brought to the Transportation Committee for further discussion and final recommendations.
- These bylaws may be revised at any time by a two-thirds majority vote of the Committee, subject to approval by the Vice President for Finance and Administration/CFO.
- These bylaws shall be reviewed biennially, near the conclusion of each even fiscal year.