Bike Theft Prevention

How to Lock Your Bike

It's best to:

  • Lock frame and wheels together as shown
  • Take your lights and helmet with you
  • Avoid leaving your bike away from home overnight. If you absolutely must, try to:
    • Choose a large and secure rack that's visible from a major street
    • Avoid dark and concealed locations
    • Remove the seat and take it with you, especially if it's a quick-release mechanism

Watch this video to learn more about locking your bike.

Use a U-Lock to lock frame and front wheel to rack, and use cable or u-lock to lock rear wheel to frame and/or rack

Register Your Bike with Project 529

It's not required to register your bike at OSU, but it's recommended. Registering your bike makes it easier for law enforcement agencies to return it to you if it's stolen. Both OSU's Department of Public Safety and the Corvallis Police Department use Project 529, a national online bike registration, reporting, and recovery site.

Start by registering your bike for free on the Project 529 website or by downloading the app. Then visit the Department of Public Safety at Cascade Hall to pick up your free non-removable sticker.

When you register your bike, it's best if you know your bike's serial number. Read more about how to find your bike's serial number.

Bike Lockers

Bike lockers are available for rent at Snell Hall, Cascade Hall and Plageman Hall. Bike lockers are more secure than bike racks, especially if your bike will be locked on campus overnight. Lockers protect both your bike and any unsecured parts such as the wheels and seat. Bike lockers also protect bikes from the elements.  

Visit the bike locker page to learn more about renting a locker.