About Us

Department Purpose 

To provide transportation programs and services that are:

  • safe 
  • sustainable
  • customer-focused  
  • fiscally-sound  

Department Guiding Documents

OSU Corvallis campus leadership, entities and stakeholder groups have informed and adopted the following documents that guide Transportation Services's work and decisions: 

Department Goals

  • Support OSU goals and student success. 
  • Facilitate access to experiential learning
  • Reduce drive-alone trips through the Sustainable Transportation Strategy
  • Create a welcoming and attractive campus environment.
  • Be cost sensitive with fees.
  • Balance self-supporting budgets and maintain adequate reserves.

Department Guiding Principles

Transportation Services staff consistently work toward solutions and respond to changing needs using the following principles as a guide:

  • Investments in maintenance save money over time.
  • Active transportation and transit are the preferred means of accessing campus
  • Shared mobility yields environmental, social, financial and transportation system benefits.
  • Parking is a commodity with a value that is based on demand.
  • Land, and therefore parking, is a finite resource: use every space efficiently