ADA Parking

ADA Parking 

The OSU Corvallis campus has more than 350 accessible parking spaces available, which exceeds the amount required by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). 

ADA Parking Options 

Individuals with a DMV-issued ADA placard have several parking options available on the OSU Corvallis campus. Parking permits are required in the A, B, or C Zones, or any ADA space, Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., year-round. Permits are required in all other parking locations at all times, year-round.

ADA parking spaces 

Vehicles may park in any ADA accessible space on the Corvallis campus with a DMV-issued ADA parking placard and any valid OSU parking permit. Permits can be purchased online, in our office or at any pay station.

  • Visitor courtesy permit - Visitors to campus with a valid ADA placard may obtain a three-hour courtesy permit at no charge by contacting Transportation Services. Vehicles displaying this permit may park in any ADA space on campus for up to three (3) hours. OSU students and employees are ineligible for ADA courtesy permits.
  • Hourly or Daily permits - Visitors who will be on campus longer than three (3) hours can purchase daily permits online, in our office or from any pay station. Hourly permits are available at any pay station.

More information about ADA placards is available online from the Oregon DMV.

Wheelchair User or Wounded Warrior parking

Wheelchair users and veterans with a Oregon Wounded Warrior parking placard may park in any meter with a limit of more than 30 minutes without paying the parking meter fee. Metered parking is located on the third floor of the parking garage in the Beaver Store parking area. Disabled person/Wounded Warrior placard holders need to have a valid OSU parking permit to park in an ADA space on campus. More information about this parking placard is available on the DMV website.

Per the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles, veterans with a disabled veteran license plate cannot park in a disabled person parking space without a valid disabled person parking placard. 

Beaver Bus

The Beaver Bus is a free accessible campus shuttle available to anyone on the Corvallis campus. With routes that run every 15 minutes, it is an accessible option to get around campus.

Additional Accommodations

Additional transportation accommodations may be available for OSU students and employees. Please contact the following organizations for more information. 

Equal Opportunity and Access

Equal Opportunity and Access (EOA) is available to employees to discuss additional accommodations related to their workplace. 

Disability Access Services

Disability Access Services (DAS) is a resource available to provide accommodations, education, consultation and advocacy for qualified students with disabilities at Oregon State University.