About the Sustainable Transportation Strategy
OSU’s Sustainable Transportation Strategy aims to lower drive alone trips to the Corvallis campus to 20% by the year 2030.
To achieve this goal, the STS identifies 15 actions that support OSU students and employees diverse needs and daily commute choices.
Improving options to work remotely, carpool, bike or take the bus supports OSU's values to address climate action, be good neighbors, offer affordable access to education and employment, and responsibly steward our land and financial resources.
Actions in Motion
Transportation Services has collaborated with OSU and City of Corvallis colleagues to set STS actions in motion. Here are some highlights.

Shared Micromobility
During the summer of 2024, Transportation Services and ASOSU launched a one-year micromobility pilot program operated by Veo which is providing affordable, low environmental impact transportation options for the OSU Community. In the first 5 months, 8700 unique customers have taken 89,000 trips totaling 126,000 miles.

Monroe Redesign
Beginning in summer of 2023, OSU and the City of Corvallis gathered community input on the Monroe Avenue Conceptual Improvement Plan, a street design meant to make Monroe Avenue a more comfortable and welcoming space for people walking, biking and riding transit. Community members viewed the final design recommendations at an open house in September 2024.

Campus Mobility Hub
In September 2024, a regional planning effort let to a design for OSU's first mobility hub, along with a sister hub at Linn Benton Community College. When complete, the new hub on Jefferson Street will serve as a central stop for regional public transit services connecting the Corvallis campus to LBCC and the Hatfield Marine Science Center, as well as private providers such as Groome airport shuttle and Flixbus.

Secure Bike Parking
Transportation Services and University Land Use Planning established secure bike parking design guidelines for the Corvallis campus in 2023. Construction for the first secure bike garage begins in 2025!
Progress Report
STS actions fall into three categories: Commuter Programs to enhance flexible daily options such as carpooling and remote work, Transit Improvements, and Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements. Each Action will require its own implementation process, including outreach and refinement with campus partners.
Last update on January 13, 2024
Planned Completed

OSU Commuter Programs

Action 1 - Pay-As-You-Go Parking (Planned)

Action 2 - Online Commute Platform (In Motion)

Transit Improvements

Action 7 - Beaver Bus-CTS Connections

Action 8 - Increase CTS Service

Action 9 - Campus Mobility Hub

Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements

Action 11 - Neighborhood Bikeways

Action 12 - Harrison to Campus Way Multi-use Path

Action 13 - Shared Micromobility

How People Commute to the Corvallis Campus
A key metric driving the STS, the Corvallis Campus mode split tracks ways that OSU students and employees get to class or work each year.
2024 Transportation Survey respondents shared their commute mode for their first trip to class or work each day of a week in fall term. Summarized in the chart below, 35.5% of trips were walking commutes, 29.7% were drive alone, 11.7% biking, 7.7% remote, 5.5% transit, 3.5% carpool, 3.4 % Beaver Bus, 1.3% scooter, 1% drop-off and 0.7% other.