Fuel Summary
University Vehicles are to be fueled at university owned and operated sites or other approved fuel providers using a current fuel vendor card (e.g., Voyager fleet fuel card) issued by the Motor Pool.
Motor Pool Vehicles: Fuel is included in the per mile rate for each vehicle and paid for by Motor Pool. Every vehicle checked out from the short term rental pool leaves full of gas and is not required to be filled before returning. Each vehicle has a Voyager fuel card assigned to it for when refueling is necessary on longer trips. Fuel instructions and the fuel card can be found in the driver side visor pouch. Click here to access the US Bank Voyager Acceptance Locator.
For vehicles that are operated on or near campus a 24-hour cardlock fuel station is available in front of the Motor Pool main office. Fuel instructions are available on the front of the pump or customers can ask for assistance during business hours.
Non-Motor Pool Vehicles: Department owned vehicles may access the 24-hour cardlock fuel station in front of the Motor Pool main office after registration of the vehicle. Fuel instructions are available on the front of the pump or customers can ask for assistance during business hours.
Fueling at third party fuel sites should be done using a Voyager fleet fuel card (or equivalent) issued by the Motor Pool. All Motor Pool vehicles have a Voyager fleet fuel card and instructions on the driver side visor. A fleet card can be issued to each department owned vehicle upon registration with the Motor Pool. At the end of each month actual fuel charges are redistributed to the index number provided.
Personal reimbursment: If you cannot refuel at Motor Pool or use the Voyager fuel card you may use personal funds and seek personal reimbursement. For Motor Pool vehicle please seek assistance with a Motor Pool staff member. Data on the day, time, mileage, location, fuel type, gallons dispensed, and cost must be recorded for any fuel transactions with University Vehicles made without a fleet fuel card issued from the central OSU account.